Urban Agriculture By-laws, 2008, City of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Land Use Ordinance, Camilo Aldao, Argentina
Policy that allows the city to reclaim, adapt and reuse vacant lots for urban agriculture (community gardens or hay for cows) to prevent environmental degradation of the lots in Camilo Aldao, Argentina.
Program for the Promotion of Social Productivity Enterprises, Rosario, Argentina
Policy to encourage small business development in small scale production, processing or commercial retail. Establishes a market where small businesses can sell their goods that is managed by the municipality.
Program for Garden Parks, Rosario, Argentina
Policy to create the first park with space for growing food in the city
Municipal Organic Agriculture Development Program, Rosario, Argentina
Policy that supports development of microenterprises for organic food production, processing and retail. It establishes the opportunity for private (or public) land holders to receive property tax waivers to allow land to be used for organic urban agriculture.
Municipal Community Garden Program, Rosario, Argentina
Policy to establish community gardens for vulnerable groups to earn income and increase food production for residents