Growing Manchester, Manchester, England, UK

City/Town/Village: Manchester
County/Province/District (Name of): n/a
Sub-national State: n/a
Country: England
Language: English
Spatial Distinction: Urban
Level of Government: City; Municipality
Population: 553,230
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Type: Plans
Food Systems Sector(s): food acquisition, preparation and consumption; food production; food retail
Year of Adoption: 2010
Adopting Government Department(s): Manchester City Council
Lead Implementing Entity: Sow the City
Supporting Entity: Manchester Health & Care Commissioning
Additional Supporting Entity: NHS Manchester; Manchester City Council Public Health team
Funding Amount: n/a
Funding Sources: Manchester Health and Care Commissioning
Policy Links: – Web
Link to Additional Resources: Resource 1
Policy Outcome:

In order to increase people’s access to locally grown fresh foods, the City Council of Manchester adopted the Growing Manchester programme in 2010. Through this programme, existing food growing groups/organizations or new local groups can apply for various forms of support from the City Council. The food growing groups accepted into the programme receive training sessions, site assessments and visits, community development support, and funding. Applications open every autumn. The Growing Manchester programme currently supports over 100 groups in various settings - social housing, supported housing schemes, schools, and voluntary groups. The programme aims to achieve sustainable food growing projects that are able to continue with minimal support in the longer term, and in the process, (i) increase local food access to its residents, (ii) make food production more sustainable, (iii) promote education in sustainability and climate change, and (iv) improve health and well-being of city residents. Growing Manchester works with a huge diversity of people and has been effective in meeting a range of health, social, and environmental outcomes.

Policy Keywords: agriculture; buy local; climate change; community; community food system; community garden; environmental health; food production; garden; grown local; health; local food; sustainability; sustainable agriculture; urban agriculture