London Food Strategy, London, England, United Kingdom

City/Town/Village: London
County/Province/District (Name of): n/a
Sub-national State: London
Country: England
Language: English
Spatial Distinction: Peri-Urban; Urban
Level of Government: City
Population: 8,787,892
Population Range: 5 million - 19.9 million
Policy Type: Plans
Food Systems Sector(s): food acquisition, preparation and consumption; food and organic waste management; food processing and manufacturing; food production; food retail; food wholesale and distribution
Year of Adoption: 2018
Adopting Government Department(s): Greater London Authority
Lead Implementing Entity: London Food Board
Supporting Entity: London Waste and Recycling Board; Public Health England; local schools; London Economic Action Partnership
Additional Supporting Entity: n/a
Funding Amount: £70 Million (from which a part will be used to fund the urban farming sector)
Funding Sources: Good Growth Fund
Policy Links: PDF-Original – Web
Link to Additional Resources:
Policy Outcome:

The London Food Strategy aims to increase access to healthy, sustainable, and culturally-preferred food. Further, food should be affordable, accessible and also support social enterprises and workers to grow, distribute, process, cook, trade and serve good food for all. Six strategies were developed to achieve goals relating to food access: (i) cooking and eating at home to increase health and wellbeing; (ii) healthy food access for service workers; (iii) equitable and sustainable food procurement for businesses and institutions; (iv) increasing health and well-being in children and pregnant women; (v) providing space for food growing (i.e., urban farming) and support social enterprises to boost the local economy, provide jobs, and volunteer/training/apprenticeship opportunities; and (v) ensuring sustainability in food consumption practices.

Policy Keywords: child obesity; children; community gardens; distribution; food access; food behavior; food infrastructure; food insecurity; food procurement; food security; food strategy; health; health equity; health inequalities; healthy food; local food; local food economy; locally owned businesses; obesity; peri-urban; poverty; urban agriculture