Towards A Fairer Aberdeen That Prospers for All 2017-20, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom

City/Town/Village: Aberdeen
County/Province/District (Name of): Grampian
Sub-national State: n/a
Country: Scotland
Language: English
Spatial Distinction: Urban
Level of Government: Municipality
Population: 207,932
Population Range: 50,000 to 249,999
Policy Type: Non-Binding Policies
Food Systems Sector(s): food acquisition, preparation and consumption; food production
Year of Adoption: 2017
Adopting Government Department(s): Aberdeen City Council
Lead Implementing Entity: Finance Policy & Resources Committee
Supporting Entity: n/a
Additional Supporting Entity: n/a
Funding Amount: £90,000 for one year (2017-2018)
Funding Sources: Aberdeen City Council
Policy Links: PDF-Original – Web
Link to Additional Resources: Resource 1 – Resource 2
Policy Outcome:

Part of a broader Anti-Poverty Strategy for the city of Aberdeen, the document proposes 11 prioritized actions the city may take to tackle poverty and disadvantage for urban residents. The document defines poverty widely, and includes information on relative poverty, child poverty, funeral poverty, and food poverty (or, insecurity). For the latter, the document proposes moving beyond emergency food assistance to developing objectives to ensure that all residents have a "right to food" underpinned by law. To do so, the document seeks to act on the core structures underpinning food poverty/security, such as lack of income, housing insecurity, and debt recovery. Specific actions included in the document include supporting the developing of the Food Poverty Action Aberdeen Partnership to develop initiatives beyond food banks, continuing use of the Scottish Welfare Fund for emergency support, linking residents to civil services, and encouraging the development of a Aberdeen City Council-led debt policy to ensure that families can afford food during debt repayment processes.

Policy Keywords: civil services; debt; debt policy; emergency food; food access; food affordability; food bank; food insecurity; food poverty; partnership; right to food