Urban Agriculture Law, Minas Gerais, Brazil

City/Town/Village: n/a
County/Province/District (Name of): n/a
Sub-national State: Minas Gerais
Country: Brazil
Language: Portuguese
Spatial Distinction: Peri-Urban; Rural; Urban
Level of Government: State (Sub-National)
Population: 19,597,330
Population Range: 5 million - 19.9 million
Policy Type: Legislation and Regulations
Food Systems Sector(s): food acquisition, preparation and consumption; food production
Year of Adoption: 2006
Adopting Government Department(s): State of Minas Gerais
Lead Implementing Entity: Office of the Governor
Supporting Entity: Food Security Council of Minas Gerais
Additional Supporting Entity: n/a
Funding Amount: n/a
Funding Sources: n/a
Policy Links: PDF-Original
Link to Additional Resources:
Policy Outcome:

Policy to support urban agriculture in order to improve food and nutritional security of the population. The use of property for urban agriculture is considered a "social function", and facilitates transfer of private property to UA uses.

Policy Keywords: aquaculture; credit access; education; employment; environmental protection; farmer cooperative; farmers markets; food access; food security; hygiene; income generation; locally owned businesses; malnutrition; markets; nutrition; private-public partnership; public health; research; social inclusion; technical assistance; transfer of development rights; urban agriculture; vacant spaces; vulnerable groups; waste management