Category Archives: Research

Professional Reports


Raja, Samina. 2006. Growing Green: Interim Evaluation Report.  Prepared for the Massachusetts Avenue Project and the United States Department of Agriculture.  December 30, 2006.

Raja, Samina. 2005a. Growing Green: An Evaluation of a Community Food Security Project.  Prepared for the Massachusetts Avenue Project and the United States Department of Agriculture. December 30, 2005.



Raja, Samina.  2007.  Growing Green: Empowering Youth, Transforming Neighborhood Food Systems.  Prepared for the Massachusetts Avenue Project and the United States Department of Agriculture.  December 30, 2007.

Non-peer Reviewed Articles

Raja, Samina and Heather Wooten.  2010.  “Food systems planning – an opportunity for planners in private practice.”  Newsletter, Private Practice Division, American Planning Association.

Raja, Samina. 2008. “Food for Thought” UB Today.

Raja, Samina. 2008. Section in an article titled “A question for the boss: What questions should employees ask themselves about the health of their workforce?” Impact: Improving Health for Population and Individuals. School of Health and Health Professions, University at Buffalo, Newsletter. April 2008.

Breinlich, Angelika and Samina Raja.  2006.  “Sometimes applesauce is about more than just apples.”  Buffalo Rising, Online Magazine.  November 2006.

Raja, Samina. 2005b. “Food for Growth” Intersight: Journal of the School of Architecture and Planning, 8 (2005): 112-117.

Evaluating Fiscal Impact Analysis

This paper evaluated the utility of traditional fiscal impact analysis (FIA) in measuring the impacts of land development. The resulting monograph outlined a conceptual framework for evaluating the use of FIA in planning practice.

Author: Samina Raja, PhD. [Project Director: Rosalind Greenstein; Principal Investigator: Jack Huddleston]

Sponsor(s): Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


Fiscal Implications of Demographic Change

This study reviewed demographic trends and shifts in the United States, and discussed the potential impact of these demographic changes on local government revenues and expenditures.

Author: Samina Raja, PhD [Project Director: Rosalind Greenstein; Principal Investigator: Jack Huddleston]

Sponsor(s): Lincoln Institute of Land Policy



Guide to Community and Regional Planning

This project developed guidance on facilitating healthy eating environments through planning and design. In partnership with the American Planning Association (APA), researchers developed and implemented a nationwide survey of APA members to discern their opinion of, and engagement in, efforts to build healthy communities through community and regional food planning.  Results from the survey, as well as innovative food system planning practices from around the country, were documented in a monograph published by the American Planning Association (Raja et al. 2008).

Investigators: Samina Raja, PhD (Urban and Regional Planning, UB), Michael Ball (Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc.), Branden Born, PhD (University of Washington-Seattle), and William Klein (American Planning Association)

SponsorsHealthy Eating by Design, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities-Buffalo Assessment

In collaboration with the Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities-Buffalo partnership, we assessed the healthy eating and active living environments in Buffalo, NY. A series of policy briefs produced for the project are shown below. Results from the evaluation are utilized by the HKHC-Buffalo partnership organizations to advocate for policy change to facilitate healthier living environments for children in Buffalo.

The Food Lab also provides broader research and technical support for ongoing initiatives to promote innovative food systems policy and plan-making in the Buffalo-Niagara region. In partnership with the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc., UB’s Office of Civic Engagement and Public Policy, and other community partners, the Food Lab co-convened the Buffalo Food Policy Summit to build capacity of local policy makers to improve local and regional food systems.

Partners: Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities-Buffalo, Massachusetts Avenue Project, Civic Engagement and Public Policy, University at Buffalo

Sponsor(s): Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


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