Christchurch City Council Healthy Food Action Plan, Christchurch, New Zealand

City/Town/Village: Christchurch
County/Province/District (Name of): Canterbury
Sub-national State: n/a
Country: New Zealand
Language: English
Spatial Distinction: Urban
Level of Government: Municipality
Population: 381,500
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Type: Plans
Food Systems Sector(s): food acquisition, preparation and consumption; food and organic waste management; food production; food retail; food wholesale and distribution
Year of Adoption: 2017
Adopting Government Department(s): Christchurch City Council
Lead Implementing Entity: Departments of Christchurch City Council
Supporting Entity: CBHD Community and Public Health; Food Resilience Network; Canterbury Horticultural Society; local community boards
Additional Supporting Entity: n/a
Funding Amount: unknown
Funding Sources: Funding for all proposed actions will be secured through the Christchurch City Annual Plan and Long Term Plan.
Policy Links: PDF-Original – Web
Link to Additional Resources:
Policy Outcome:

This action plan is being implemented under the Christchurch City Council Food Resilience Policy which was adopted in 2014. The action plan is aimed at improving the availability of healthy food and encouraging healthy food choices throughout the community. The plan’s purpose is to “make healthy food choices easy." The Food Resilience Policy outlines 10 priorities, and the Healthy Food Action plan focuses on implementing 3 of these priorities: (i) encourage the establishment of productive gardens on suitable land around the city that is not in Council ownership, for example homes, schools, church land, institutions and market gardens; (ii) support initiatives that increase the availability, distribution and affordability of fresh, healthy food in our communities, for example farmers markets, green grocers, local food cooperatives and community kitchens; and (iii) support community education through community gardens and other local initiatives that increase knowledge of how to grow, harvest, prepare and consume healthy locally grown food to support edible gardens and a thriving local food economy. For each objective the plan establishes a series of actions, as well as a timeline for target completion and measurements of success. The actions are designed so that they can be implemented by local community boards as desired, and they are funded through the Christchurch City Annual Plan and Long Term Plan. The action plan will be reviewed annually in order to measure implementation progress, as well as assess if actions need to be amended and/or added.

Policy Keywords: action plan; community kitchen; education; food access; food action plan; food cooperatives; food production; garden; health; healthy food; land access; local food; local food economy; school garden; schools; urban agriculture