Law 5.265 Creating the Urban Agriculture Program of the Municipality of Governador Valadares, Governador Valadares, Brazil

City/Town/Village: Municipality of Governador Valadares
County/Province/District (Name of): n/a
Sub-national State: State of Minas Gerais
Country: Brazil
Language: English; Portuguese
Spatial Distinction: Urban
Level of Government: Municipality
Population: 279,665
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Type: Legislation and Regulations
Food Systems Sector(s): food acquisition, preparation and consumption; food processing and manufacturing; food production; food retail; food wholesale and distribution
Year of Adoption: 2003
Adopting Government Department(s): Municipal Council of Governador Valadares
Lead Implementing Entity: The Executive of Governador Valadares
Supporting Entity: Municipal Secretary of Environment, Agriculture and Food Supply (SEMA); Municipal Secretary of Planning (SEPLAN); Municipal Housing Secretary (SMF)
Additional Supporting Entity: n/a
Funding Amount: unknown
Funding Sources: Municipal Council (separate budget line item for expenses of program)
Policy Links: PDF-Original – PDF-English
Link to Additional Resources:
Policy Outcome:

This law formally creates the Urban Agriculture program of the Municipality of Governador Valadares. Under the law, urban agriculture is understood broadly as cultivating plants for consumption and medicinal purposes, raising small animals and fish, and producing small-scale food and drink for human consumption. Through these activities, the municipality seeks to reduce hunger and malnutrition, promote social inclusion, increase access to low-cost foods, mitigate the effects of vacant land, and generate employment opportunities for city residents. The law also includes other regulatory actions for urban agriculture within the municipality, such as the establishment of tax credits for agricultural producers, the creation of food systems infrastructure, and adoption of agro-ecological principles in public institutions.

Policy Keywords: agribusiness; agro-eco-tourism; agro-ecology; farmer cooperative; fiscal incentive; food access; food donation; food production; incentives; noncommercial urban agriculture; private land; property tax; property tax reduction; social development; social inclusion; temporary land use agreement; urban agriculture; vacant land