Urban Agriculture By-laws, 2008, City of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Land Use Ordinance, Camilo Aldao, Argentina
Policy that allows the city to reclaim, adapt and reuse vacant lots for urban agriculture (community gardens or hay for cows) to prevent environmental degradation of the lots in Camilo Aldao, Argentina.
The Kampala City Livestock and Companion Animal Ordinance, Kampala, Uganda
Permits and licences help to regulate and control
the keeping of animals
Urban Agriculture Policy, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Provides for range of urban agriculture practices and future policy framework in order to increase food sources and nutrition for self-reliance. It recognizes UA as a tool for economic development and effective land use (cultivation, livestock, land use) through city-run urban farms. It includes provisions for policy development related to: water, human resources, material resources, financial resources, legel and regulatory issues, institutional framework, health and environment issues, socio-cultural dimensions, economic dimensions
Urban Agriculture Promotion and Regulation Act 2015, Nairobi, Kenya
Act that promotes urban agriculture within Nairobi City and County, Kenya. It provides the regulatory framework for the practice of agriculture in the county; delegates responsibilities within County government with respect to agriculture; establishs the Nairobi City County Urban Agr’iculture Promotion Advisory Board; calls for the creation of a strategic plan for agriculture in the city and county.