Lewisham Food Strategy, Lewisham, England, UK

City/Town/Village: Lewisham
County/Province/District (Name of): n/a
Sub-national State: n/a
Country: England
Language: English
Spatial Distinction: Urban
Level of Government: City; Other
Population: 275,885
Population Range: 250,000 to 999,999
Policy Type: Plans
Food Systems Sector(s): food acquisition, preparation and consumption; food and organic waste management; food production; food retail
Year of Adoption: 2006
Adopting Government Department(s): Lewisham London Borough Council
Lead Implementing Entity: Lewisham London Borough Council
Supporting Entity: The Lewisham Food Strategy Group
Additional Supporting Entity: Health First; Lewisham Primary Care Trust; London Borough of Lewisham
Funding Amount: n/a
Funding Sources: n/a
Policy Links: PDF-Original – Web
Link to Additional Resources: Resource 1
Policy Outcome:

Along with the Lewisham London Borough Council, the multi-stakeholder Lewisham Food Strategy Group prepared a Food Strategy for the London Borough of Lewisham to tackle the prevalence of high rates of obesity and diet-related ill health among the population. The strategy focuses on five major themes: (i) food access (increasing people’s access to healthy food, especially among vulnerable populations, raising awareness about food access, and promoting local food growing and food businesses), (ii) food in schools (improving school meal quality, increasing access to healthy school meals, and increasing the number of schools in the program), (iii) food, nutrition and health (increasing knowledge around nutrition, reducing under-nutrition and obesity, and improving oral health, (iv) food sustainability (reducing energy consumption, improving waste management, and promoting fair trade, and (v) food safety (reducing food poisoning and increasing awareness about food safety and food hygiene). In 2016, in response to emerging need and to widen the scope of its actions, the food partnership joined the UK's Sustainable Food Cities (SFC) initiative. Actions were developed across six key issues: (1) promoting healthy & sustainable food, (2) tackling food poverty & access to affordable healthy food, (3) building community food knowledge, skills & resources, (4) promoting a thriving & diverse sustainable food economy, (5) transforming catering & food procurement, and (6) reducing waste & the ecological footprint. Good Food Lewisham was founded in 2016, helping Lewisham become an official Good Food Borough and a Bronze Award winner in 2019.

Policy Keywords: children; composting; consumption; education; food access; food safety; food strategy; food waste education; health; healthy food; hygiene; malnutrition; nutrition; nutrition education in schools; schools; strategy; sustainability; waste management