Land Use Ordinance, Camilo Aldao, Argentina

City/Town/Village: Municipality of Camilo Aldao
County/Province/District (Name of): Córdoba Province
Sub-national State: n/a
Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Spatial Distinction: Peri-Urban; Urban
Level of Government: Municipality
Population: 4,895
Population Range: Less than 5,000
Policy Type: Legislation and Regulations
Food Systems Sector(s): food acquisition, preparation and consumption; food production
Year of Adoption: 1996
Adopting Government Department(s): Municipality of Camilo Aldao
Lead Implementing Entity: Executive Department
Supporting Entity: Solidarity Aid Commission
Additional Supporting Entity: n/a
Funding Amount: n/a
Funding Sources: n/a
Policy Links: PDF-Original
Link to Additional Resources:
Policy Outcome:

This policy allows the city to reclaim, adapt and reuse vacant lots for urban agriculture (into community gardens or hay fields for cows) to prevent environmental degradation of the lots in Camilo Aldao.

Policy Keywords: animal nuisance; community garden; decree; environmental health; grazing; land use; livestock; ordinance; public health; taking; vacant lots