Clarendon Local Sustainable Development Plan, Clarendon Parish, Jamaica
Central Vegetable Market, Hebron, Palestine
City Agricultural Development Plan 2019-2022, Cayagan de Oro, Philippines
Nairobi City County Urban Agriculture Promotion and Regulation Bill, Nairobi, Kenya
Urban Agriculture Policy 2007, City of Cape Town, South Africa
Urban Agriculture By-laws, 2008, City of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Nakuru County First County Integrated Development Plan (2013-2017), Nakuru County, Kenya
Gent En Garde Food Policy, Ghent, Belgium
Food Gardens Policy in Support of Poverty Alleviation and Reduction, Cape Town, South Africa
Policy facilitates growing food in urban gardens to support food security of the very poor. It calls for collaboration among relevant stakeholders to address the variety of topics that arise in urban food production and consumption, including various departments within the city government, non-profits, and businesses.